Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I have a case of the Switchfoot Blues

Well, I started writing this just after I posted the last one, pardon my irony.

ahh, Switchfoot.
Such a nice concert.

"Get to the good part!!"
sorry, okayyy.
Despite my massive build up, I didn't get to meet Jon Foreman or give him his Bible.

saaaaad, I know.
BUT, I did have an awesome time with awesome people. Heather, Collin and Josh were my companions on my journey to meet Jon Foreman. Let me tell you, these were some awesome people to be on a journey with. We were all bent on getting him his Bible back.

What happened was...

We got there at around 5:45pm. Heather and I were jumpy with excitement and got our tickets at Will Call. In the ticket envelope were two passes to the Meet & Greet. I looked at the time and it said it was between 5:30 and 6. We realized we had to run to make it, so we ran up the hill to the actual Verizon Amphitheater and reached the place where we were supposed to be. I clocked it at 5:53pm. The lady wouldn't let us in and insisted it was over.


I had a plan to shout, "I HAVE YOUR BIBLE, JON!" when the croud was quiet. I didn't want him to think I was a flake, haha.

I ended up not doing it..... stupid butterflies. I get so nervous sometimes...

BUT, I was praying that I would be able to get it to him. Almost like a response to my prayer, in the middle of the concert Jon Foreman walked down the center aisle... TURNED onto my aisle and ended up being like five feet away from me. (While still singing, of course)

At that point I was shouting and waving the Bible, but he was turned the other way and the croud was too loud.

What a bummer.
I do have a pretty sweet picture I took with my phone, though. If I can figure out how to put it on here, I will.

After the concert, the four of us talked to security guards about getting it to him, but they said Switchfoot had already left.


Love Sincerely,
Cecelia "Bluesy-Butterflies" Melody

Cece Apologizes to Her Blog

I'm sorry, blog.

I still love you.
I just don't feel like writing what happened the night I went to the Switchfoot concert, and I know that's what I intended to write next. I hope you'll forgive me.

Love Sincerely,

Cecelia "Sorry" Melody

Monday, September 29, 2008

Rough draft of one of the first chapters of Legacy.

Peter walked the halls with a certain spring to his step the next morning. His usual worries seemed nearly laughable on a day like this. Whom shall he fear? Wasn't he Peter Caspund, the most courageous 13 year old this school has ever seen?
Daigy glowered at him as he passed her. Peter then remembered he still failed to apologize for last weeks actions. She narrowed her eyes even further when he gave her a second glance. Seriously, accidentally balding her cat isn't that big of a deal, but still, an apology would have been the gentlemanly thing to do.
Peters shoulders slumped a little as he decided to turn around and attempt a proper apology. Surprisingly, Daigy's face no longer showed signs of anger. Her eyes were wide and her mouth dropped into a small o.
"Daigy? Whats the matter?" She didn't respond. Peter snapped a couple of times in her face. She barely blinked. "Very funny," he snorted, "are you intimidating Mr. Kitty?"
No response.
"Dai, whats going on?" Peter heard his voice go up an octave on the last word. There was no trace of humor left in his tone.
He heard her fall before he saw it. An ugly Thump! sounded as her head hit into the lockers behind her.
"DAIGY!" Peter screamed. Where are all the students? He thought frantically. They were here a second ago, weren't they? Daigy's eyes were now closed and she barely stirred. "HELP! ANYONE? HELP!" He knelt down, no longer concerned about his new suit, and lightly slapped her face. "Oh, come on, Dai! Wake up!"
Pulse. Where do I check for a pulse? Adrenaline pumped through his veins and a chill ran up his spine. At that moment he heard a whisper from just barely around the corridor.
"Thats the peter boy, is it not?" It hissed. Peter whipped his head around. Fear suddenly quickened his own pulse. The voice did not sound like it came from a friend. Peter opened his mouth to ask if anyone is there, but words failed him. He swallowed hard and tried again.
"Hello? Is anyone there? My friend is hurt."
No reply.
Peter thought he could hear his heart beating louder. He turned back to Daigy. He pressed his fingers against her neck. There was a steady beat.
She was alive.
The voice whispered again. "Take him, too? But wh-wh-why?" Peter froze. Could this really be happening? It continued to speak, "The master says to take him as well. But whyyyy? Don't whine. Master doesn't like whines. Ohhh... hes awake though!" The voice sounded nervous and raspy. It continued to mumble things Peter couldn't understand.
Peter stood up.
"Who is there?!" He said loudly. He sounded braver than he felt.
The voice replied this time. "Ohh... he speaks to me! But how does he hear it? Can he hear me now? Shhhh... don't talk anymore, master won't like that."
"I can hear you!" Peter called. He was beginning to feel braver. Suddenly he was walking briskly around the corner to the other corridor. His curiosity and adrenaline pushing him further than he would normally go.
It was empty.
Peter jumped at the noise from behind him. A broken pot and soil was now rearranging itself as if an invisible finger were writing in the fallen soil.
Peter's eyes widened. Someone was spelling words to him.
It read:
Peters knees weakened. Is this some sort of trick? Oh NO!
"DAIGY!" He whipped back around the corner to where Daigy was.
All that was there was her book bag.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Switchfoot Anticipation

alright. you ready for a CRAAAZYYY story?
Two Wednesdays ago me and my friend Alex were piling up the Bibles that people borrow if they didn't bring one. There were two Bibles in the sound booth. I didn't know if they were ours or if it actually belonged to someone. Alex suggested I see if their is a name in it. I open it and it says Presented to Jonathan Mark Foreman By Mom and Dad on October 22, 1996, Twentieth Birthday. I laughed and said that its the lead singer of Switchfoots name and we joked around saying what if its actually his? (But not taking it too seriously) I go home and I look up his birthday.... October 22, 1976. I, of course, flip out. The next Sunday at church I tell everyone and everybody freaks out with me and wants to see it and stuff. "Dude! We have Jon Foremans Bible!" Was the common phrase. Then Wednesday(the 17th) rolls around. Jono (my youth pastor) was telling us some announcements, then he gets around to saying something along the lines of, "heyyy we had something interesting happen. Who knows the band Switchfoot?(insert applause and woooooos) Well we had someone find the lead singer, Jon Foremans, Bible last week. Carrie(one of our leaders) knows someone who is in the Christian Productions and he knows someone who knows Jon Foreman. They contacted him and asked if he wanted it back. He said yes and he wants the person that found it to hand deliver it back to him! She gets free tickets to the Switchfoot concert in two Fridays and backstage passes to meet Jon Foreman." At this point I'm frozen in my seat thinking He CAN'T be serious... waiiit THATS MEEE! All my friends and everyone who knew were staring at me. and Jono says "Cece!!" and I get up in complete shock and walk up to the front (dragging Alex with me) where Jono was and just kind of stand there flabbergasted and say "Are you seeriouss??" and Jonos like "I'm dead serious."

I'M MEETING JON FOREMAN!! ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Now its the 23rd of September and I am so stoked! I still don't believe it. It totally sounded like something Jono would make up(one of his wise tales). As he kept describing the situation further and I was waiting for the "no, I'm just kidding." It never came.

I feel like I'm daydreaming when I think about what I am going to do in a couple nights.
I keep reminding myself to give it all to the Lord. This is such a sweet sweet gift.

I love you, Lord.
I love you, Switchfoot.

Love Sincerely,
Cecelia "Itch-foot" Melody

Friday, August 22, 2008

Disney Obsessions

I find it interesting when I see all the drama around the Disney Channel teen stars. Do our little people really have that much time on their hands? I mean, I looovve Disney Channel and happen to be a big fan of a lot of their stars but, seriously?? Have you seen the obsession in some of these kids eyes? There is going to be a Dr. Phil for some of the parents of these kids that are obsessed with Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers. Not kidding. Check this out.

"Is your son or daughter obsessed with Hannah Montana or the Jonas Brothers? Do they have posters ALL over their room? Do you have to make sure you keep up with their latest releases because if not, your kid won't talk to you? Are you worried their obsession is becoming TOO extreme?

If your son or daughter has an obsession, and you'd like Dr. Phil's help, send us an email today!"

Don't believe me? Link! : http://www.drphil.com/plugger/respond/?plugID=12505

Wow. Kind of extremely hilarious.
yes, hilarious indeed.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I DO love you... but

I love all you bloggers that I happen to know.... I just haven't had the patience to go look and find how to link all of you. So don't think I'm hatin'.

all smiles.

and for fun.....

I am going to Disneyland for the first time in a couple months tonight.

thought I would share the love.
until September 4th. I am FINALLY done with my work. I'm officially a Junior in high school!! I haven't had noo work to do since two summers ago. Wow, it really hasn't hit me yet.

anyways, I love you guys, if anyone is even reading this.. hahah oh well, these are too much fun to write to really care if anyone is reading it.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Who I'd Like to Meet

Friends who will push me to do what I need to do, not what I want to do. and have no fear when doing it. Friends who aren't afraid to take HUGE risks for me. Friends who will stand with me when I'm right, and correct me when I'm wrong. Friends who know the difference between a cry for help and laziness. Friends who will come pick me up at 4am because I'm crying in my bed. Friends who will do anything to bring me back to joy when I've lost hope. Friends who will cry with me when I need it. Friends who will just hug me. Friends who know when to shut me up and when to encourage me to shout. Friends who will snap me out of selfishness and love me until I die. Friends who know I'm always there for them, even when I can't be there for myself. Friends who need me as much as I need them.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


I really do love my whole Church family.
Every single one of you.
You encourage me, challenge me, support me.

When my blood family fails, you triumph.

Words fail me.
I have so much gratitude for all of you.

Lifes an adventure and I would be no where without you.
God has given me gifts and all I want to do is glorify Him with whatever I have to give.
Keep me in your prayers as I grow.
I'm itching to write more, but my father is going to throw me over his shoulder and force me to shower and sleep if I don't get off the computer soon.

What the heck!
I have 11 minutes until Monkey Man starts to hunt.
I'll write what I can.

Three amazing adventures!
High School Camp, Vacation Bible School, Family Camp.
Just getting out of my house for these has opened my eyes to the unseen.
I now know that I can depend on Kingsfield for so many things.
I have deepened my relationship with the Creator, my Savior, Jesus Christ.
I love every one of you, I don't know how many times I have to say it.
I hope you know I meant it the first time, but just in case...

I need you, Kingsfield!
May I forever have relationships with my true family.
Brothers, Sisters, Father and Mother figures, and sososo much more.
What is said in this post has barely scratched the surface to how much I love my family.
Can you possibly imagine what would happen if the Entire Body of Christ loved eachother and God as much as God loves us?

I can.
Its called Heaven.

Dig deep into the Bible, sooo many things are written in there.
Time after time, I can read the same scripture and get goosebumps at the meaning of it.
The one, true inspirational book.
I love my Bible, our Bible, His Bible.

as corny as it looks as a bumper sticker...
I love Jesus!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Three is a Charm

I find people fascinating. Whether or not this is because I do and don't understand them, I cannot say.

Three is a charm.
If you can follow my senseless logic, I will lead you on an adventure.
"Adventures are funny things..."
I'll lead for a while then give you the chance to step up.
Now, as I lead on this adventure of some sort, I ask you this... When will it be good enough? When will life be good enough? What is good enough?
When I think deeply on the subject of "good enough" I cannot find any material thing that is good enough. For something to be considered "good" there should be a standard by which it is compared to "being good" in the first place. Now, if one decides to fill themselves up with Earthly desires, that person is subject to perishable happiness.
I find myself surprising myself in the adjectives I use.
A focus word in the service I went to at Saddleback Church yesterday afternoon.
My brain pulls at me to a different path in writing now. Again, "adventures are funny things. They always begin with the unexpected..."

Do you have pets that you are attatched to?
I happen to have 7 cats. Seven, wonderful, inspiring, unique cats. Thoughts, not necessarily beliefs, that come to mind are as follows.
Do animals have the power to take on certain characteristics of our personalities? I sometimes feel like each of my cats inhabits a different part of my personality. Each of my cats are so similar that they are drastically different. Or maybe they are so drastically different that they are similar.

I find the term soul mate overrated.
I believe God has someone planned to be your "perfect match", for lack of a better term. What then happens if your match chooses someone else? Was that encrypted into the pathway of your love story? Does each decision we make have the power to alter our entire course? Does having a crush on someone alter your heart? Do you learn from them and use it for good? Good. Since God is all knowing, he knows which path you will choose, or have already chosen. In that frame of thinking, if you choose "wrong", whose path are you messing with? Are you altering just yours, or everyones? Is there really the Butterfly Effect? Does my decision to date this guy instead of the other change the world? I believe it does. Maybe not hugely, but it does infact change the world. It changes your world. So when you are the pilot of your life, and you go choose this guy instead of the next, does he alter himself to become your soul mate? Does the couple itself alter themselves to fit the other person perfectly? Or is there someone out there for you that you do not have to alter yourself for. Don't get me wrong, change can be good. Change can also be bad. If the person is altering you to something your OK with, are you as happy as you were before? Are those alterings "good enough"? Were you "good enough" in the first place?

Who changes who?
Does God change us, or are we changing us?
Is God allowing the change?
What is the change?

Well, our adventure has made a pitstop.
It will continue later on, unless you wish to continue it for yourself.
By all means, go for it.

Cecelia Rose Melody

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Jonas Brothers Concert

Its difficult to put into words how much talent these boys have. Those of you who do not listen to the Jonas Brothers should definitely look them up. My personal philosophy for them is that they are underestimated by adults. They amaze me with their passion for music.
Their concert was everything I hoped it would be. I stood standing the whole time. Even when my feet were screaming at me to let them rest, still I stood. I admit I cried during Nick's A Little Bit Longer speech. He is my inspiration and hope, because he never let his Diabetes slow him down. If you are interested, I encourage you to go to youtube and look up A Little Bit Longer.
Their Burnin' Up tour will get them places. The stage had fire exploding here and there during the concert. If I could, I would go with them and watch them perform every night.
Hands down the best night of my life I can remember.

Nick, Kevin, Joe,
You have my utmost respect. Keep doing what you love. Even if the whole fan base crumbles you will still have my respect. I hope to see you guys next time your in my area.

Cecelia Rose Melody