Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Jonas Brothers Concert

Its difficult to put into words how much talent these boys have. Those of you who do not listen to the Jonas Brothers should definitely look them up. My personal philosophy for them is that they are underestimated by adults. They amaze me with their passion for music.
Their concert was everything I hoped it would be. I stood standing the whole time. Even when my feet were screaming at me to let them rest, still I stood. I admit I cried during Nick's A Little Bit Longer speech. He is my inspiration and hope, because he never let his Diabetes slow him down. If you are interested, I encourage you to go to youtube and look up A Little Bit Longer.
Their Burnin' Up tour will get them places. The stage had fire exploding here and there during the concert. If I could, I would go with them and watch them perform every night.
Hands down the best night of my life I can remember.

Nick, Kevin, Joe,
You have my utmost respect. Keep doing what you love. Even if the whole fan base crumbles you will still have my respect. I hope to see you guys next time your in my area.

Cecelia Rose Melody