Saturday, January 31, 2009

ETHS Prayer Walk

Hey fellow bloggers!

This blog is brought to you by Caspian. (She begged for a new blog from yours truly)
I'm so flattered.

Alrighty, so last night there was a Prayer Walk at El Toro High School. It was amazing! I was paired with Caspian and we walked around, avoiding the poo trees, and prayed what God put on our hearts. So many things I wouldn't normally have thought of to pray for occurred to my mind. It was pretty amazing. Not to mention, everyone who watched the third Lord of the Rings Monday night was there. AWESOME.

Afterwards we skiddadled to Jono and Simone's house. We played the classic game of Apples to Apples, the first of which I WON! :) I don't know if you play like this... but at the end we read off all the green cards we won and that’s supposed to "describe you". I had the WORST descriptions ever! Mine were: phony, temperamental, emotional, chunky and sketchy. I remember having six... but I can't remember what the last one was. The second game we played was very interesting. At this point Jono had to go get some black slacks at a store, so poor Collin was left alone with a room full of girls. Needless to say, he got a pretty awkward word. hahahaha
Also, when I was judging I picked up the green card "Philosophical". I ended up picking "Walt Disney" which made Simone shout out "That’s not philopostical!" or some other bad pronunciation which made us all laugh.

Random Things:
Before the prayer walk, miss Bethany taught me how to crochet! AWESOME!
My new response to interesting things is.. "Fancy!"
My kitten Bella keeps biting me while purring. It disturbs me.
I woke up wayyy too late today.
I love sleeping in, but I hate getting up late... wrap your noggin around that one.
I'm taking guitar lessons from Cree.
I have a bulimic cat.
I have a diabetic cat.
I choked wildly on a whole goldfish. (The cracker not the animal..)

That’s all for now.
Love Sincerely,
Cecelia "Fancy!" Melody