Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pretty Pretty Please

Love is a strong word, but I really really really like...



Cecelia "Love" Melody

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bom Biddy Bom Biddy Biddy Biddy Bom


There are times in life when the man gets you down.

"Tragedy's alright when it means we count the blessings in our life."
I love this song because it inspires me to look at the positive things in life. Count your blessings when you're feeling down. When tragedy strikes be sure to lean on God and the christians around you. We should all be thankful for those around us that lift up our mood and make us laugh when we're crying. I've always appreciated those who can do that. Make the most of a situation that's a total downer.

Let out your sorrows. Write a song. Write a poem. Get it ALL out. Everything you're feeling. Move on. Keep moving forward.

I love you all. Don't forget it.

Cecelia "Blessed" Melody

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My lovelies.

My Epiphone J200 is my baby. I love it like the French love surrender. I've written about 12 songs on it. Some are lengthy and some are just a verse long. When I see my guitar on its stand in when I walk in my room I just want to pick it up and jam.

My sturdy green 4g iPod nano. I actually love having an ipod with limited room for songs. It forces me to evaluate which songs to delete every time I get a new CD. I get rid of stuff I never listen to. It makes putting my iPod on shuffle more satisfying.

I just recently (as in two days ago) got the t-mobile mytouch. It was my dads phone, but he went back to his G1. He didn't like the fact that my phone doesn't have a full keyboard. The keyboard is digital and he says his fingers are too big to use it. Needless to say... I scored in this deal.


Cecelia "Lovely" Melody

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Perfection is My Enemy

I finally felt like writing. I don't have anything specific to say, just chatting it up. I totally failed at doing Mate Mondays. I'll try to pick it back up this week.

You know those moments in time where you think.... Woah. I'm here. Right now. In this place.

In those moments I like to question what I'm doing with my life.

What am I doing with my life?

I think I'm searching.
Searching for things that are right in front of me.
I think I'm avoiding.
Avoiding simple tasks.
I think I'm challenging.
Challenging my faith with all my doubts.
I think I'm breaking down.
Breaking down old barriers I've put up to guard myself.
I think I'm growing.
Growing up.

That came out more "poetic-y" than I meant it to. In fact, in the beginning I wasn't even going to answer the question. Just leave it open ended.

I don't even know what I'm talking about. That's okay. It's healthy not to know what you're talking about every once in a while. That is a nice change.

I don't like it. I never have. Yet, things are changing all around me. My friends are growing up and I feel as though I'm getting younger with time. More naive. It's a strange concept. Not foreign though. I don't think I'm making sense.

Making sense.
Must we always have an end to our means? a means to our end? Whatever the saying is, I don't think we should. If that doesn't make sense nothing ever will.

Nothing ever will.
Nothing will ever be perfect until the world is made new. Only God is perfect. That's it. There is no perfect relationship. Perfection is my enemy.

Are there any left that haven't kissed the enemy? Threw in a little Switchfoot reference there. It's an interesting concept. Kissing the enemy. Horrible... but interesting. It is kind of like playing with fire. Dangerous and stupid.

Lots of things are stupid. Bracelets that are itchy... stupid! You know what is also stupid? Living by yourself. Atleast for me, that sounds stupid. I would never want to live alone. I'd atleast have to have a pet with me. Some form of constant communication that reveals that I'm not alone.

I hate being alone. Every once in a while is okay... but I never particularly like it. If I could I would be with a friend at any particular time.

Time freaks me out. It's constantly passing. Constantly. Right.... now. And. Now. Crazy, right? Just think about it. Since Adam and Eve time has been rolling by ever so sneakily. It ticks life away. I almost broke out into a Linkin Park song right there.

Right there.
GAH! Some things seem so close. Like they are RIGHT THERE. Yet when I try to reach them or work on them they are so NOT close to being done. Like my story for instance. I feel like I should be wrapping it up... but no. Alas, I am way behind.

My cat Lucy has a big behind. I love my kitties. They bring me joy. I woke up one morning and realized I was using Lucy as a pillow. She didn't seem to mind at all.

Alright. I'm done with the starting with the last word of each section. So, I'm listening to music I used to be into. AKA N*SYNC and Backstreet Boys. I used to love me some boy bands back in the day. Some of their stuff isn't half bad. The harmonies are pretty stellar.

Okay. Yeah. Whatever. Uh huh. Sure.
This blog is getting long.
I'll cut it off here.

Until next time,

Cecelia "it-has-been-too-long" Melody

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So... I skipped Mate Monday this week. For this week and this week only... I present...


Name- Ana!
Birthday- January 3rd <3
Where do they live- I shouldn't disclose this via blog... hahaha
How did you meet- Kingsfield babyyy. MAGICAL KITTY
Do they have siblings? Yes. 1 bro 2 sis

Any Quotes? "What's that sound? The sound of treachery!"

Best memory- Every time we hangout it gets better and better :)
Worst memory- bah! none!

How often...
Do you see this person? about twice a week
Call this person in one day? never. psht, who calls people anymore?
Stay the night with this person? hopefully this weekend
Do you yell at this person? only in our fake fights... remember those?

If you...
Only had 24 hours left with this person- I wouldn't stop crying...
Couldnt talk to them anymore- this is depressing
Had to say one last thing to them- Don't forget that you are an amazing Daughter of the One True King<3

Monday, February 7, 2011


It's once again Mate Monday!

1. Do you remember what your friend was wearing the last time you saw them? (Whether it was before one or the both of you dashed off to work, left for a business trip, or left to run errands.) What color shirt, sweater or blouse did they have on? Or, for the truly astute, which shoes were they wearing?
Pajamas! No shoes!

2. What's your friend's favorite kind of movie?

3. What were your friend's favorite TV shows to watch growing up?
I'm not sure she watched TV...

4. What kind of deodorant scents does your friend NOT like?
Yucky smelling ones?

5. Has your friend ever voted?

6. Do you know if your friend has a blog anywhere on the Internet?
She does! I don't think she writes in it anymore though. FB took over!

6a. If they do have a blog, what was the last thing they wrote about?
Is it sad I don't know this?

7. What is your friend's favorite candy?
I'm imagining something exotic... like chocolate covered grasshopper

8. Which type of chocolate do they prefer? (Milk, white, dark.)
MILK! she better prefer milk!

8a. If they like chocolate, do they have a favorite chocolatier?

9. Have you ever watched a sunset together?

10. Have you ever caught a sunrise together?

11. When was the last time you used your friend's nickname?
Last night, Lilz<3

12. When was the last time you paid your friend and compliment? What was it?
I'm sure last night sometime.... I don't remember what it was

13. Do you remember the last time your friend cried and what made him or her cry?
Sadly... no.... Man these questions make me feel like I don't know you at all!

14. Do you remember the last laugh you had together and what caused it?
I jest I jest

15. Do you know if your friend has ever had a professional massage? Do you know if
they even want one?
I think professional massages are awk. So I don't think shes had one. hah.

16. Where is your friend?
Still sleeping in my bed... most likely with cats on top of her.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Lengend of Xonodox

A very brief overview of the plot of my novel:

A fourteen year old girl is kidnapped into an alternate universe where she finds out her true identity. Through wars and battles, thick and thin, life and death, she battles to discover her place in this new world...and comes to discover the Legend of Xonodox.

David Taylor

So I've decided I'm going to do a friend of the week segment on my blog. If you want me to do you I'll put you in the lineup. just comment on this blog ;)

1. Can you name your Davids' favourite activities?
parkour! guitar. Jesus.

2. Do you know if David likes to be with others or alone when he is upset?
I've never seen him upset... actually. weirdly enough. So I would imagine alone, since I've never experienced him upset.

3. When David is sick, do you check in on them and let them know they are missed?
Yes :) not in person but I try to cheer him up.

4. When David need support do they turn to you?
I would hope so.

5. Do you know the date of David's birthday?
May 3rd I believe. 1992

6. When David is faced with big decisions does he discuss them with you?
Not really. I wish he would that would be cool with me.

7. Do you share your own thoughts and concerns with David?
I try. If I remember. Most of the time I keep concerns to myself, which I know isn't healthy.

8. When David asks for help do you generally make yourself available to him?
Of course! I would never turn him down

9. Do you lean on David when something is bothering you?
I don't really lean on anyone for that. sadly.

10. Are you able to tell David that you disagree with him without having an argument?

11. Can you keep your David's secrets?
Forever and Always.

12. Can you usually help David see the dangerous or risky aspects to his plans?
Yes. He's a dangerous person. ;)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Dentist Trauma

This is why I hate the dentist:

I felt the worst pain in my life at the dentist chair and he yelled at my when I started to cry:
"You are eighteen! You are crying like a baby! You need your mom and dad to be with you next time? Bring them next time!"

"Now can I finish my work? Or do you want a temporary filling?" He storms away and I ask how long the temporary filling lasts. "I DON'T KNOW!"

"Suck it up, I need to finish."

I hate my dentist. I'm not even going to hide it. I'm never going back there again. Worst dentist experience of my life. I'm STILL crying.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Long Time No See

You really want to know whats going on in my head? Fine. Read on.

My cereal is getting soggy. Ahh I need to go to the bathroom. Be right back. Nevermind I'll wait until I finish this post. How long will it be? My cat better not barf on the computer... again. I wish someone was awake to talk to. I wonder if I'll go to church tomorrow. I should probably do my homework. It is due tomorrow. My fingers are aching from the cold. These all sound like completely random thoughts. Girl's minds are like spaghetti. Guy's minds are like waffles. LEGGO MY EGGO! I should say that to a guy some day. Or a girl... about a guy. haha. Funny funny. I cleaned the catboxes earlier. My cereal is really soggy. Should I eat it? I'll try a bite. Ewww. Mental note.. never do that again. I ate the rest of the cereal anyway. I didn't want to turn on the garbage disposal. I love my guitar. If I was a guy... I'd call my guitar a "GUY"tar.. BAHAHAHA! Okay, I really gotta go potty. BRB False alarm. I'll wait until I have to go later. I love ultimate-guitar and YouTube. My cats are hissing at eachother.

and that was a couple minutes in the mind of Cece!

For more information call 1-800-I'm-Outta-My-Mind

No, I don't know how to dial a '.

Only three hours until I get ready for church...

I should really sleep now... but I can't.
Sucky situation.

I think I'll type up a song or two tomorrow for all yall who still read this thing.


Cecelia "OuttaMyMind" Melody