Monday, January 31, 2011

Dentist Trauma

This is why I hate the dentist:

I felt the worst pain in my life at the dentist chair and he yelled at my when I started to cry:
"You are eighteen! You are crying like a baby! You need your mom and dad to be with you next time? Bring them next time!"

"Now can I finish my work? Or do you want a temporary filling?" He storms away and I ask how long the temporary filling lasts. "I DON'T KNOW!"

"Suck it up, I need to finish."

I hate my dentist. I'm not even going to hide it. I'm never going back there again. Worst dentist experience of my life. I'm STILL crying.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Long Time No See

You really want to know whats going on in my head? Fine. Read on.

My cereal is getting soggy. Ahh I need to go to the bathroom. Be right back. Nevermind I'll wait until I finish this post. How long will it be? My cat better not barf on the computer... again. I wish someone was awake to talk to. I wonder if I'll go to church tomorrow. I should probably do my homework. It is due tomorrow. My fingers are aching from the cold. These all sound like completely random thoughts. Girl's minds are like spaghetti. Guy's minds are like waffles. LEGGO MY EGGO! I should say that to a guy some day. Or a girl... about a guy. haha. Funny funny. I cleaned the catboxes earlier. My cereal is really soggy. Should I eat it? I'll try a bite. Ewww. Mental note.. never do that again. I ate the rest of the cereal anyway. I didn't want to turn on the garbage disposal. I love my guitar. If I was a guy... I'd call my guitar a "GUY"tar.. BAHAHAHA! Okay, I really gotta go potty. BRB False alarm. I'll wait until I have to go later. I love ultimate-guitar and YouTube. My cats are hissing at eachother.

and that was a couple minutes in the mind of Cece!

For more information call 1-800-I'm-Outta-My-Mind

No, I don't know how to dial a '.

Only three hours until I get ready for church...

I should really sleep now... but I can't.
Sucky situation.

I think I'll type up a song or two tomorrow for all yall who still read this thing.


Cecelia "OuttaMyMind" Melody