Monday, February 7, 2011


It's once again Mate Monday!

1. Do you remember what your friend was wearing the last time you saw them? (Whether it was before one or the both of you dashed off to work, left for a business trip, or left to run errands.) What color shirt, sweater or blouse did they have on? Or, for the truly astute, which shoes were they wearing?
Pajamas! No shoes!

2. What's your friend's favorite kind of movie?

3. What were your friend's favorite TV shows to watch growing up?
I'm not sure she watched TV...

4. What kind of deodorant scents does your friend NOT like?
Yucky smelling ones?

5. Has your friend ever voted?

6. Do you know if your friend has a blog anywhere on the Internet?
She does! I don't think she writes in it anymore though. FB took over!

6a. If they do have a blog, what was the last thing they wrote about?
Is it sad I don't know this?

7. What is your friend's favorite candy?
I'm imagining something exotic... like chocolate covered grasshopper

8. Which type of chocolate do they prefer? (Milk, white, dark.)
MILK! she better prefer milk!

8a. If they like chocolate, do they have a favorite chocolatier?

9. Have you ever watched a sunset together?

10. Have you ever caught a sunrise together?

11. When was the last time you used your friend's nickname?
Last night, Lilz<3

12. When was the last time you paid your friend and compliment? What was it?
I'm sure last night sometime.... I don't remember what it was

13. Do you remember the last time your friend cried and what made him or her cry?
Sadly... no.... Man these questions make me feel like I don't know you at all!

14. Do you remember the last laugh you had together and what caused it?
I jest I jest

15. Do you know if your friend has ever had a professional massage? Do you know if
they even want one?
I think professional massages are awk. So I don't think shes had one. hah.

16. Where is your friend?
Still sleeping in my bed... most likely with cats on top of her.


Lilz said...

3) I didn't watch tv really...but whenever I did it was all classic old tv shows

8) I'm sorry...but I prefer dark dark dark chocolate...

9) And I like Dove...but I like Godiva better...

Lilz said...

Oh and I don't even remember what I last wrote on my's been years...

Cece said...

I knew you were a dark fan! gahh. I tried to make you believe. It obviously didn't work.

oh and hah that makes me feel better!

David Taylor said...

Haha once again? cece you have only doen this one other time!! and you guys, the best chocolate maker is willy wonka!!! duh =P

Unknown said...

nawww Daveyyy. Hershey's Symphony bars are theee best!

and Mate Monday is going to be a consistent thing!