Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bom Biddy Bom Biddy Biddy Biddy Bom


There are times in life when the man gets you down.

"Tragedy's alright when it means we count the blessings in our life."
I love this song because it inspires me to look at the positive things in life. Count your blessings when you're feeling down. When tragedy strikes be sure to lean on God and the christians around you. We should all be thankful for those around us that lift up our mood and make us laugh when we're crying. I've always appreciated those who can do that. Make the most of a situation that's a total downer.

Let out your sorrows. Write a song. Write a poem. Get it ALL out. Everything you're feeling. Move on. Keep moving forward.

I love you all. Don't forget it.

Cecelia "Blessed" Melody


David Taylor said...

For sure! My friends are the world to me to!! That includes you cece ;)

blythe said...

i really needed this reminder this week of all weeks, believe it or not.
Thanks for your encouraging words! :]